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Datos personales

Mi foto
Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain
Licenciada en Filología Anglo-Germánica, hablo inglés, español, italiano y francés. Tengo publicados varios artículos sobre literatura inglesa en revistas especializadas así como los siguientes libros: "La magia celta según Gustavo Adolfo Bëcquer y la novela artúrica contemporánea" (Sevilla, 1999) "Camelot reconstruído" (Sevilla, 2000) "El hada blanca"(Sevilla, 2001) "Ector, el príncipe de negro" (Sevilla. 2004) "Las mujeres de Wagner" (2011) "Las hadas de Bécquer y Wilde" (2011) "El sueño de Calpurnia" (2012) "Wagner's Women" (2012) "La Triple Diosa y el rey Arturo" (2012) "Gades y Camelot" (2013) "The Triple Goddess in Oscar Wilde's Salome" (2013) "Solidaridad femenina en los romances medievales ingleses" (2013) "Calpurnia's Dream" (2014) "Magia y Eros en Shakespeare y Wagner"(2014) "El lamento de Calipso" (2014) "Kundry o la decadencia de la soberanía en el Parsifal wagneriano"(2015) "Las tres caras de Morgana y Ginebra : la psicología femenina en la literatura artúrica"(2016) "Verona, 1303" (2016)

Pueden contactar con esta dirección de correo electrónico si desean conocer la traducción inglesa o italiana de estas obras


viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010


And Salome herself takes back the Syrian's view: the Moon is a virgin, a silver flower , which she regards as a reflection of her own innocence. Indeed, a paranormal , almost magicla atmosphere èrvading them, amidst that down-to earth conversation between Herod's soldiers and the party.
FIRST SOLDIER: -She is looking at something.
SECOND SOLDIER - She is looking at someone.
FIRST SOLDIER- At whom is he looking?
SECOND SOLDIER - I cannot tell.
THE YOUNG SYRIAN - How pale the princess is! Never have I seen her so pale. She is like the shadow of a white rose in a mirror of silver.
THE PAGE-You must not look at her....(12)
And, later, amidst the conversation among the Capadocian, the Nubian and the soldiers:
THE YOUNG SYRIAN - The princess has hidden her face behind her fan. Her white hands are fluttering like doves that fly to their dove-cots. They are like butterflies. They are just like white butterflies.
 THE PAGE - What is it to you? Why do you look at her?
This sort of  maidenly feeling on Salome`s part can be deduced  from her relief when finding herself in the open air, fram from the Tetrarch 's lascivious look and her admiration for the Moonly Goddess - Roman Diana - who
" ..... has never defiled herself . She has never abandoned herself to men like other goddesses"
This brief claim . some sort of declaration of principles, is obviously foretelling us how deeply, later on, Jokannaaan  will impress her. Like the moon, he is "cold and chaste". Salome could have fallen in love with him because all of him is an image of manly purity, far from that kind of manhood represented by her vicious stepfather and this courtly atmosphere that smothers her:
".... Jews from Jerusalem who are tearing each other in pieces over their foolish ceremonies, and barbarians
who drink and drink...and Romans, brutal and coarse, with their uncouth jargon (13)
Really meaningful, that the double invocation at the beginning of the play -the Moon, an ominous foresight for the page but evoking Salome`s image in Narraboth's voice - reappears just before Jokannaan's first coming on stage , lovestriking Salome, the outcome of which will be the Syrian`s eventual suicide.
THE PAGE OF HERODIADES- How strange the moon looks! You would think it was the hand of a dead woman who is seeking herself with a shroud.
THE YOUNG SYRIAN- She has a strange look!She is like a little princess whose eyes are of amber. Through the clouds of muslin she is smiling like a little princess (14)

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